According to Articles 6 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, the citizenship of Bangladesh shall be determined and regulated by law. Since most of the rights guaranteed by the constitution are dependent on citizenship , it is necessary to briefly deal with the legal position in respect of citizenship of Bangladesh.
The acquisition of the status of citizenship of Bangladesh is governed by two sets of provision. the provision of Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary provision) order 1972 law down the conditions for claiming citizenship of Bangladesh as on 15.12.1972 while the Citizenship Act 1951 laws down the conditions for the acquisition of citizenship after 15.12.1972 by naturalization. In terms of article 2 of P.O. No 149 o 1972 (i) a person who or whose father or grandfather was born in the territory now comprising Bangladesh and was a permanent resident of Bangladesh on 25 March 1971 and continued to be so resident of such territory on 25 march 1971 and continued to be so resident and is not otherwise disqualified for being a citizen of Bangladesh. Hence a person having domicile of origin or domicile of choice in Bangladesh after 25 March 1971 till the commencement of the order.
Now the question is what is meant by the expression 'permanent resident' and whether a person temporarily residing outside Bangladesh on or after 25 march 197 will be treated to be a citizen of Bangladesh.
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